Billion Dollar Opportunity

What we do may not be as sexy as a Tesla or an electrified Porsche. It’s a big grey box on the back of a building. But we can measure the benefit from putting that grey box on the back of that building and your children will breathe better tomorrow as a result of our efforts. That’s how strongly we feel about the work we do at ClayDean.

Back when we were kids, Mom and Dad always said:

“Turn off the lights.”

“Close the fridge.”

“Shut the door. You are letting all the air out.”

Now, with how we are approaching energy, the automation and the power distribution capabilities and technology allow us to know exactly how much power a building, a family, a car, a piece of equipment consumes.

We get excited about the technology that our talented tradespeople are installing, and how the industry is opening up new opportunities for companies like ClayDean. How awesome is it that a “big grey box” can accurately monitor how humans occupy a space and consume its energy. That behavioral data over time feeds an algorithm that makes the building and its grey box smart enough to know how much energy to produce, store and use to serve the humans in that building. So awesome!

And, so many options: solar array, generators, geothermal, wind – we can plug just about any power source into this kind of technology. When you have this kind of data intelligence, you can start to manage the incoming energy from either the power grid, solar array, or wind to name a few. This tech gives us options on where to source that energy coming into the building. And that’s how we make this huge difference.

Here’s another example, of what many people are doing today. We can take power, like on a house, while everybody’s at work all day, and the sun’s energy is stacking up in a battery ready for you to come home at night. When you get home, you have reserve energy, to power your home. So nowhere in that equation, in that 24-hour cycle, are you using fossil fuel-based energy supply. Win. Win.

Listen to the latest episode of Table26 to hear more about ClayDean’s perspective on new energy technology. Adam Feuerstein, President of ClayDean Electric, and Michael Tipton, Director of New Energy Development, lay it all on the table in this episode we are calling “Gentle Giant”. Its saucy, straight-up and tells you just how we see the world.

With every commissioned installation, we are thinking about two things: the economic viability of the project and the impact that the project will have on this earth – for generations. That what excites us. That’s what motivates us. And, that’s why we choose to do it together, at ClayDean.